all postcodes in PL5 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL5 2AA 0 50.4022 -4.16999
PL5 2AD 0 50.406535 -4.167598
PL5 2AE 0 50.4066 -4.177636
PL5 2AF 1 50.405855 -4.177532
PL5 2AG 0 50.407333 -4.178796
PL5 2AH 0 50.407321 -4.177528
PL5 2AJ 0 50.406561 -4.179211
PL5 2AL 0 50.406654 -4.178553
PL5 2AP 0 50.402966 -4.17761
PL5 2AQ 2 50.405693 -4.177989
PL5 2AR 0 50.402476 -4.174956
PL5 2AS 0 50.404043 -4.176323
PL5 2AT 0 50.403233 -4.175385
PL5 2AU 0 50.403148 -4.176563
PL5 2AW 0 50.404023 -4.17832
PL5 2AX 1 50.404318 -4.176054
PL5 2AY 0 50.404007 -4.177742
PL5 2AZ 0 50.403991 -4.175223
PL5 2BA 0 50.40524 -4.17338
PL5 2BB 0 50.408502 -4.173079